Monday, 30 November 2020
Monday, 23 November 2020
Monday, 16 November 2020
Monday, 9 November 2020
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Chace and Probability
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Monday, 2 November 2020
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Monday, 19 October 2020
Maths Mixture
Friday, 16 October 2020
Immersion assembly.
This week we have returned for term four and the theme for this term is art alive. As always we start the term with Immersion assembly.
Each and every team from one to five had a movie/performance to shear that had to revolve around the whole term topic. Some of my favorite items were my team, team 5 and team 1
Team one Movie was about famous art and impersonating the art but as themselves. Team five performance was about the different types of art for culture to the local warrior fan.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Friday, 25 September 2020
Seeds James cook
These are kowhai seeds. they are used to grow plants and grow crops, the crops are used to make food, seeds are commonly used by farmers to grow food and sell to stores and companies.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Rata me te Rakau
Friday, 18 September 2020
Tuvalu Language Week
Tuvalu language week a week to celebrate culture that is tuvalu, there dances there clothes and there legends Because Tuvalu language week is approaching and it is the holidays we decided to learn about the culture ourselves. Two laddis named Maryan Molia came to our school to teach us about Tuvalu. We learned some facts we learned about a legend about Sena and the Tinilau and we learnt a dance all in tuvalu.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Oral language
Monday, 14 September 2020
Maori language week
Today we will be dedicating a song to celebrate the 30,000 people in 1972 who gave their signature to keep the Maori culture alive to keep everything fair and balenest. We will also be singing together to celebrate Maori language week.
Thursday, 10 September 2020
The legend of Kava Tonga
Our culture has key practices that teach custom and tradition.
One such practice is the drinking of kava in formal and informal settings. Have you wondered why kava is so important to the Tongan community?
Today our literacy class spent some time learning about the legend of Kava Tonga.
A very sad story of a couple who sacrificed their daughter, named Kava. The couple - Fefanga and Fefafa believed that it was necessary to fulfil their obligation and duty to their king.
I feel that Tonga respects their king and are very loyal to what they believe in.
Ko e faunga hono ma'u'e Tonga a hono hingoa
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Area and Perimeter
Tonga Elders
Malo e lelei today I'm going to share with you why it is important to respect your elders in the tonga culture. Respecting your elders is important because they know more than you and they know what is good for you and what isn't. They can teach you what they learned growing up the especially the tradition witch is important to keep the culture alive
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
My culture
I am proud to be both samon and moari,
My personality is blank without my culture it is my life it’s my identity, it is me. The things I connect with the most is the combination of my two faces my two cultures it really expresses my zodiac sign the gemini the face’s of two coming together to become one, our family reunions are frequent, I get to see my family from different perspectives the food the stories the environment, it's the same and different at the same time it really is wonderful.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Math Week - Sophie Germain
Task Description
This week is maths week, so we are completing a series of math challenges. In our first challenge, we learned about famous mathematicians.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Camp Opportunity's
This year's camp was awesome! I am so grateful for the opportunity we were given to step out of our comfort zone.
The activities we should definitely keep for 2021 are: Pain ball, air rifles, gocarts, low ropes, and archery.
But, I think it would be amazing if we also did the water activities.
Overall, these three days are really important. It is for us to learn about leadership before we go off to college

Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Monday, 27 July 2020
Start Of Literacy
Friday, 24 July 2020
The watcher of the south
For this task we had to learn about the table mountain and cape town. We also learn about its origins.
Paul Bunyan
he created. And the his life story.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Monday, 20 July 2020
Immersion Assembly
Monday, 22 June 2020
Testing Transformation
Today in math we leant how to Rotate, Reflect, Trenslate, Transform, Resize, and Enlarge
Fake Facts
we learnt about different types of clickbait such as misinformation malformation and disinformation
Thursday, 18 June 2020
No Fangs
Monday, 15 June 2020
The Suffrage Movement
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Monday, 23 March 2020
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Multiplication Magic
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Safety Rules
Team five you might think that it's not important to follow the rules but think again, read on and you will figure out that reading and paying attention to the rules can be very help full
If you still don't believe me then here is another example. If you are at the pools then remember to read the rules on the side or you might find yourself in a sticky situation such as drowning, or when you dive you might hit you head You should always remember to follow the rules no matter the situation. No matter how boring it can get it is all for your safety, all i'm asking is for you to refresh your memory and think again.
This week we were given the task to learn and complete This week we were given the task to learn and complete T.I.I.C which is a writing explanation structure. T, T stands for the title which you will be helping in the story.
I, I stand for introduction which is the start of the story. This part is the hook which is the most important part of your piece of writing because if it is not interesting then there is no reason for the reader to read on.
I, I stand for information for information you have to explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence.
C, C is the conclusion of the story or as I like to call it the glue this is the part of the story that put everything together.
Thursday, 13 February 2020
Family Hero
Reason number 1 - She is the best cook I have ever known, whenever my mum comes back from work she always has a dish prepared on the table, she also makes the best food for special occasions.
Reason number 2 - She is like santa 2.0, she gives away things just out of the kindness of her heart an example of this is on cismas morning she spent all her money on giving the homeless gifts.
Reason number 3 - She is always there when we need her even for the little things such as helping with shopping, helping my mum with anything she needs whenever we need it ,and looking after me and my siblings when my mum is at work.
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
Dear Mrs Tele'a
Dear Mrs Tele’a,
Kia ora miss Tele’a my name is Freedom, this year I have been put in your class, you always mention
that you love to learn about your students so I decided to introduce myself you might know me from last year but just in case you don't remember hears a quick recap. Hi my name is Freedom I am twelve yearsof age and born in the mouth. I may be a New Zealand resident but also come from the island samoa. I am the fourth generation from my mum's side to live in NZ and my dad's side . I'm pretty sure that they were all born in New Zealand. I am the seventh oldest out of ten my siblings..
Some of my favorite things to do include sleeping after long days out with the family , cooking with my
sister and brother for special occasions, fortnite for when there is nothing else to do , and sports such as
soccer, basketball, rugby and many more. But my favorite thing to do most of all is family game night
witch is usually on fridays nights I love
At school some of my favorite subjects are literacy, math, and P.E. I really like literacy because I love
to write stories, especially fiction stories. I love it when my mind blows up with ideas. P.E is also very fun because I am a very energetic kid and I love it when I get pushed physically.
A good teacher doesn't go easy on kids because if that happens then the kids will never learn their
mistakes,A good teacher supports the kids no matter the situation,but I really like it when my teacher gives me feedback on my work because it gives me inspiration to push myself even harder than usual .