Walt: write using humour.
So we start at the beginning, the very beginning, the creation, of the universe. Before the universe was created there was nothing except the bag of life the only physical object created, the bag of life granted you the power of eternal life and also granted you the power of creating life. One day the bag of life started shivering and something was wrong suddenly a light appeared then came out the one we now call ancient one.
The ancient one is a intellectual being that protects the bag of life. As the ancient one was at the age of 3060 she learnt how to control the bag of life. It took her a couple of times but she finally created the Galaxy.
Seven trillion years came by and it was time for the ancient one to pass away it was a sad time, after four months of trying to stay alive she finally passed away. Because of this no one was guarding the bag of life so everyone that thought that they could capture the bag of life tried. They were searching and searching but no one ever find it, after four years of searching a army finally found it, well let's say two armies.
The two arms declared war upon echarter so they all charged into battle knowing that their life will be at risk, the two leaders of the armies were named Twinkle Toes the 3rd and
King Port - A - Fart. These were the most mightiest heroes in the galaxy, Twinkle Toes the 3rd charges on a horse, the horse trips on a rook and and Twinkle Toes the 3rd falls into poop and his response is “wow that is some good poop”. There is only half of the men in the each army and Twinkle Toes the third and King Port - A - Fart are worried.
After everyone in the army is killed off Twinkle Toes the third and King Port - A - Fart charge on there mightie horses but suddenly a beam of light apers the world started shaking the rock’s are scrambling the waters were floating then out of nowhere the bag of life spawn in the the ancient one, the ancient stops time, and then changes the whole timeline to where she didn't die and no one tried to chapter the bag of life every again.
Task description for this task given the opportunity to do some creative writing. Our story had to have a
beginning middle and end Which is a linear plot story. Then we had to post it on a blog with the Task description
and walt.
beginning middle and end Which is a linear plot story. Then we had to post it on a blog with the Task description
and walt.
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