This is my cave art animation.
This is a story about a tribe going for a hunt after a saber tooth tiger but to be for pacific the black saber. The black saber ate everything in his path but watch the movie to find out more.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Deciml place value
Task description: for this task we had to lean about decimal place value. You have the ones tens and the decimal point and on the outher side of the decimal point there is the tenths hundredths and thousandths. This task was verey esey but this is just the bronze medal task so I expected it.
Start of term four
Walt: use correct sentenecs to help stucture our writing.Well the holidays are finished, no more staying up late and playing fortnite, uhhh.It’s the start of a new term today and at the start of every term we get a new topic.This term our topic is te wā toi wich means it’s art time.
This term is so exciting for the following reasons, The Manaiakalani Film Festival, Athletics, Year 6 camp, and Prizegiving. These are the more exciting things but they are way more that I haven't listed. I am most excited about the Manaiakalani Film Festival which is an event that point England school attend every year and its were every class in our school gets to create our own movie to put on the big screen at the hoyts movies therete.
One of my goals this term is to become a better drawer, Currently I am an average drawer and i what to change that. But I am a very good sketcher but don't really excel in painting. Another one of my goals that I would like to do more often is to get better at my writing, right now I am at my level for writing but I would like to go above and beyond and pass my level.
One of my goals this term is to become a better drawer, Currently I am an average drawer and i what to change that. But I am a very good sketcher but don't really excel in painting. Another one of my goals that I would like to do more often is to get better at my writing, right now I am at my level for writing but I would like to go above and beyond and pass my level.
Because this term is about art I would love to learn about the history of famous art and artist such as Picasso and paintings like the Mona Lisa. Famous art museums would also be interesting to explore our leaning in because we get to research the history of ancient artefacts. We could also learn about why the artist were inspired to create their art.
What an exciting term that have ahead of us. I am looking forward to the Manaiakalani Film Festival, improving in my art, and hopefully learning about the history of famous art and artist. Overall I can't wait to blog about this You to be exciting to term.
Task description: For this task we wort about our goals and expitionshions for this term. We also learnt how to write a proper conclusion. I was very scared about my writing because It was the first day back from school and I was not sure that I had proper sent and.
Monday, 8 October 2018
My new guinea pig
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Monday, 24 September 2018
Words Per Minute
Task description: Today In Room 7 we had a one minute writing task. We had to wright as much words as
we colud and at the end of the one minute we wold stop. My score was 21. To put the scors in a
spreadsheet we had to stand up and we wold say our numbers and Mr goodwin wold put that in the spreadsheet. To analyse the data we have to sort it.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Creative Writing
Walt: write using humour.
So we start at the beginning, the very beginning, the creation, of the universe. Before the universe was created there was nothing except the bag of life the only physical object created, the bag of life granted you the power of eternal life and also granted you the power of creating life. One day the bag of life started shivering and something was wrong suddenly a light appeared then came out the one we now call ancient one.
The ancient one is a intellectual being that protects the bag of life. As the ancient one was at the age of 3060 she learnt how to control the bag of life. It took her a couple of times but she finally created the Galaxy.
Seven trillion years came by and it was time for the ancient one to pass away it was a sad time, after four months of trying to stay alive she finally passed away. Because of this no one was guarding the bag of life so everyone that thought that they could capture the bag of life tried. They were searching and searching but no one ever find it, after four years of searching a army finally found it, well let's say two armies.
The two arms declared war upon echarter so they all charged into battle knowing that their life will be at risk, the two leaders of the armies were named Twinkle Toes the 3rd and
King Port - A - Fart. These were the most mightiest heroes in the galaxy, Twinkle Toes the 3rd charges on a horse, the horse trips on a rook and and Twinkle Toes the 3rd falls into poop and his response is “wow that is some good poop”. There is only half of the men in the each army and Twinkle Toes the third and King Port - A - Fart are worried.
After everyone in the army is killed off Twinkle Toes the third and King Port - A - Fart charge on there mightie horses but suddenly a beam of light apers the world started shaking the rock’s are scrambling the waters were floating then out of nowhere the bag of life spawn in the the ancient one, the ancient stops time, and then changes the whole timeline to where she didn't die and no one tried to chapter the bag of life every again.
Task description for this task given the opportunity to do some creative writing. Our story had to have a
beginning middle and end Which is a linear plot story. Then we had to post it on a blog with the Task description
and walt.
beginning middle and end Which is a linear plot story. Then we had to post it on a blog with the Task description
and walt.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Takeawat Shop Subtraction
Walt: use subtraction strategies to solve tricky problems.
Task Description: For this task we were given subtraction questions and we had to figure them out. We got three questions to figure out. After this we will post it on our blog with the task description and walt.
Task Description: For this task we were given subtraction questions and we had to figure them out. We got three questions to figure out. After this we will post it on our blog with the task description and walt.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Monster Character Descriptions
Walt: Understand the text from the perspectives of the characters
Task description: For this task we were given monsters that we had to describe using interesting vocabulary. We got to choose two monsters out of four and I chose these two. Then we had to post it on our blog with a task description and a walt.
Task description: For this task we were given monsters that we had to describe using interesting vocabulary. We got to choose two monsters out of four and I chose these two. Then we had to post it on our blog with a task description and a walt.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Walt:understand the text from the perspectives of the characters.

Task description: For the task we were given words that we had to describe using your own words. After we did that we would write how we would write it in a sentence. Then we posted it on our blog with a task description and walt.
Task description: For the task we were given words that we had to describe using your own words. After we did that we would write how we would write it in a sentence. Then we posted it on our blog with a task description and walt.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
What were they thinking
Walt: understand the text from the perspectives of the characters
Task Description: For this task we had to read a book cord fangs the seqel. Then we were givein some questions that we had to figger out buy redding the book.Then we had to post it on our blog with the task description and Walt
Task Description: For this task we had to read a book cord fangs the seqel. Then we were givein some questions that we had to figger out buy redding the book.Then we had to post it on our blog with the task description and Walt
Monday, 3 September 2018
Personal Trainer-MATH
Test description: For the task I had to figger out how much hours it would take for each client then we had to figure out the next day how much hours it will take for the amount of clients.This was my gold medal problem and I had 3 answers. And I have to figure this out by using my ratios.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Freedom's FREE advice
Walt: look for the hidden or deeper meaning in the text.
Task description: For this task first we had to write our own advice about a healthy diet. We would start by getting a little from letter for Julian Bennidon we would reply with a very helpful response.And then we would write something helpful that you need for a healthy crazy diet.
Task description: For this task first we had to write our own advice about a healthy diet. We would start by getting a little from letter for Julian Bennidon we would reply with a very helpful response.And then we would write something helpful that you need for a healthy crazy diet.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
In and out the window
Walt: look for the hidden or deeper meaning in the text.
Task description:For this task we were given a book called in and out the window we had to read in and out the window and then we have to read it in front of a screencastify. After we finished our screencastify we would put it into a presentation and then we would review it with a rating out of 1-5 stars. After that we would put it on our blog with a task description and walt.
Task description:For this task we were given a book called in and out the window we had to read in and out the window and then we have to read it in front of a screencastify. After we finished our screencastify we would put it into a presentation and then we would review it with a rating out of 1-5 stars. After that we would put it on our blog with a task description and walt.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Ambassadors Learn,Create,Share Presentation (V2)
Walt: Thinking out of the box
Task description: For this task I had to create and design my own house from a birds eye view using an online digital website called Roomsketcher. I created my house with rooms such as a kitchen bedroom bathroom and living space. After that I designed my house by using furniture so my house does not look empty. Once I finish that I grabbed materials and created my own wallpaper and floor. When I was finished I created a video about My house in my own words.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Ambassadors Learn,Create,Share Presentation
Walt: Creating original games
Task description: For this task I had to create my own scratch game and describe it in my own words then I made a video and put it on my task and then I posted it on my blog.
Task description: For this task I had to create my own scratch game and describe it in my own words then I made a video and put it on my task and then I posted it on my blog.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Whoah that's fast
Walt solve problems with multiple elements.
Task Description: As you guys might-know we are still learning about measurement and speed. We basically had to answer some question and post it on my blog.This task was really hard but my sister helped me so I was able to complete and share this on my blog.
Task Description: As you guys might-know we are still learning about measurement and speed. We basically had to answer some question and post it on my blog.This task was really hard but my sister helped me so I was able to complete and share this on my blog.
Freedom Family of Facts 6
Walt: Solve problems with multiple elements.
Task description: For this task we got givein 3 numbers. After that we would put al those numbers into ansers. After that we put it on our blogs.
Task description: For this task we got givein 3 numbers. After that we would put al those numbers into ansers. After that we put it on our blogs.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
A Healthy Week
Walt: Look for the hidden meaning in the text.

Task description: for this task we had to write our own daily schedule for healthy exercise. After that we had to write about why exercise is healthy. When we finished our work we went and published it on our blog.
Task description: for this task we had to write our own daily schedule for healthy exercise. After that we had to write about why exercise is healthy. When we finished our work we went and published it on our blog.
Rugby And netball
Walt: Look for the hidden meaning in the text.

Task description: For the task we had to read a book about rugby and netball. once we finish this then we had to finish off our task which was to write the similarities and non similarities. After all of that we would post it on our blog and out of Casa fiction.
Task description: For the task we had to read a book about rugby and netball. once we finish this then we had to finish off our task which was to write the similarities and non similarities. After all of that we would post it on our blog and out of Casa fiction.
Sunday, 5 August 2018
Exercise Is Fun
Walt: Find relevant information in the text.

Task description: For this we had to read about a document about why exercise is wise . Then we had to use our knowledge and figure out why strength flexibility and fitness is good for you. After all of that we would make a presentation look pretty.
Task description: For this we had to read about a document about why exercise is wise . Then we had to use our knowledge and figure out why strength flexibility and fitness is good for you. After all of that we would make a presentation look pretty.
Friday, 27 July 2018
A Thousand Seconds
Walt: build a stronger knowledge base around time.
Task Description: For this task we had figure out what one thousand seconds Is in minutes.
Task Description: For this task we had figure out what one thousand seconds Is in minutes.
After that we got given an answer and we had to caulate what the answer. We also had a bronz
silver and gold for ervery skill level.
walt: Find relevant information in the text.

Task description For this task we had to get words from the storyAnd describe them with our own words. The whole base of this task was to use better vocabulary. I think it finished good in the end and read more to find out more.
Task description For this task we had to get words from the storyAnd describe them with our own words. The whole base of this task was to use better vocabulary. I think it finished good in the end and read more to find out more.
Healthy lifestyle
Walt: find relevant information in the text.
Task description: For this task we had to calculate how helthy someone was by Figuring out with the knowledge that we had. We have to figure it out by seeing how long they were playing video games to how much sleep there were having. After we finished every person we had to create our own which was yourself we had put what we do on a daily schedule and then calculate if we were having enough exercise or not.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Immersion Assembly Recount
WALT: Using exciting language.
It was the beginning of term 3 and we had an Immersion Assembly!! . Immersion Assembly is a
assembly That consist of 5 movies of plays, The topic was move ya body which was a health and energy
based topic.
based topic.
Does your school do immersion assembly?
As I said before the topic is move ya body which was a health and energy based topic but I’m sure that the
re is more to it. Energetic and active is also a good way to describe our topic as it literally says Move Your Body
which is energetic and active. I think that movement is another key that explains move ya body. So I think the
energetic active and movement are three words that are related to move your body and they all mean moving.
re is more to it. Energetic and active is also a good way to describe our topic as it literally says Move Your Body
which is energetic and active. I think that movement is another key that explains move ya body. So I think the
energetic active and movement are three words that are related to move your body and they all mean moving.
If you didn't know my team is Team Four and our movie was about having fun while also staying active. One
of the activities the teacher's did was playing spoon hockey which was a game where you had to put a
spoon in your mouth and play hockey. Last year and the topic was the forces of flight and our teacher
said that we would be making planes and having a tournament but obviously that did not happen because
the teacher's always lying so I hope this year they don't lie every get to make little mini games
of the activities the teacher's did was playing spoon hockey which was a game where you had to put a
spoon in your mouth and play hockey. Last year and the topic was the forces of flight and our teacher
said that we would be making planes and having a tournament but obviously that did not happen because
the teacher's always lying so I hope this year they don't lie every get to make little mini games
For this term I would love to learning somewhere around movement and health projects, health projects
can be based around food's, our body, and energy based projects. Movement projects could be like
sports as sports create movement, more movement projects could also be based on energy. There
was a thing that we did last year and it was cold the run the was when we ran all the way to the beach
and came back it was very fun and I hope we can do the run agen for old time sakes. This idea has
nothing to do with this terms topic but i would like to do more scratch if you don’t what scratch is it is a
online code game where you can make games and animations.
can be based around food's, our body, and energy based projects. Movement projects could be like
sports as sports create movement, more movement projects could also be based on energy. There
was a thing that we did last year and it was cold the run the was when we ran all the way to the beach
and came back it was very fun and I hope we can do the run agen for old time sakes. This idea has
nothing to do with this terms topic but i would like to do more scratch if you don’t what scratch is it is a
online code game where you can make games and animations.
Overall I think that this term has a very interesting topic because of what it stands move ya body means
heaps of things. I hope that the future of term 3 will be (AWESOME!!). (=^..^=)
heaps of things. I hope that the future of term 3 will be (AWESOME!!). (=^..^=)
Task Description: For this task I had to write a recount about Immersion Assembly. Immersion Assembly Is an assembly at the beginning of tream.
Friday, 6 July 2018
Monday, 2 July 2018
Chicago Deep Dish Pizza
Mr Goodwin sat down to order his first Deep Dish Pizza. Only the chef had something different in mind for Mr Goodwin’s pizza. Instead of the usual ingredients like cheese, tomato, and ham. The Chef instead used Deep fried fish guts, poached eggs, Horse poo, grass, rats, a poison cat, cockroaches, a live chicken, octopus tentacles, Tobys stinky feet and broccoli in other words the double deluxe special Mr goodwin could smell a hint of his fine meal that he was going to be served. The chef served it to mr goodwin with a smile and a grin on his face Mr Goodwin immediately pulled his hands out of his pockets and got ready to taste chicago's famous pizza the double deluxe special he took a bite ,“ very, crunchy,” he said it was only a matter of seconds before, (!&*%#)@%$) all his food went right out of his mouth it was horrific show. Mr Goodwin shattered with stairs “what was in there he cried” “oh nothing much fish broccoli just the casual” “IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL CASUAL!” I have you know that this is the best reviewed pizza we ever had”. Mr Goodwin went to his house to take a shower when he was clean he went back to the restaurant to file a complaint that's when everything went wrong, people keep laughing at him and called him puke face Mr goodwin cried like a baby Mr Goodwin was never seen in the restaurant again (3 days later) Mr goodwin was calt at the airport he was waiting in line and when he finally got his ticket a man noticed him and he started shouting everyone it's puke face Mr Godwin started running and when he looked back every one was chasing him, Mr Goodwin was approaching the airplane but he tripped he started crying but he was determined to get to the plane he ran the plane was shutting it was only a matter of time befor it shuts he jumps and he made it Mr Goodwin was laughing at the people outside on his window and one man smash the window and Mr Goodwin got scared and cryed like a baby so he ran to the back of the plane Mr Goodwin was never seen in Chicago agen.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Michael Jordan Questions
Michael Jordan Questions
1) What is Michael Jordan’s full name?
>Michael Jordan's full name is Michael Jeffrey Jordan
2) What sport did Michael Jordan mostly play?
>Michael Jordan mostly plays
3) Michael Jordan played primarily for which team?
>Chicago Bulls
4) When is Michael Jordan’s birthday?
>Michael Jordan's birthday is on February 17th
5) What other professional sport did Michael Jordan play in?
>Another professional sport that Michael Jordan played in was baseball
6) Which team did Michael Jordan play for in college?
>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
7) What shoe is associated with Michael Jordan?
>air Jordan
8) What other basketball team has Michael Jordan played for?
>Washington Wizards
9) How many championship rings did Michael Jordan win?
>Six championship
Monday, 25 June 2018
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