
Friday 17 March 2017

Year 5&6 camp

The day finally came year 5&6 camp.As soon as I arrived to school I put my big bag away and stared to run to the hall.We all gathered in the in the hall and sorted out our teem groups. all the teems were sent of to do there first rotation my teem name was the presidents.the first rotation we did was playing in the hall we had the chose of roller blades skateboarding pig pong basketball and also doing flipping on the trap.the fun was finished and we had to go to moaning tea it took a willy but we got to start our next rotation.The next rotation we did was coaled killer zone the game was so complained that I can not enplane it.lunch came next my teacher was trying to say some thing to me but eating and did not hear one thing.It was time to go to youth tone we had a lot of activates to do. my favorite highlight of camp was camp preforms we cam 1st pales

1 comment:

  1. The Presidents were totally my favourite team - I may be a little biased though. Your dance was awesome Freedom and I just loved the confidence you brought with you. Well done! Mr Moran and I couldn't stop talking about how awesome your moves were.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your first Pt England camp.
    Miss King
