
Friday 18 September 2020

Tuvalu Language Week

 Tuvalu language week a week to celebrate culture that is tuvalu, there dances there clothes and there legends Because Tuvalu language week is approaching and it is the holidays we decided to learn about the culture ourselves. Two laddis named Maryan Molia came to our school to teach us about Tuvalu. We learned some facts we learned about a legend about Sena and the Tinilau and we learnt a dance all in tuvalu.


  1. Hey this sounds like a really interesting post but
    I don't have access to this slide, maybe go back and copy and paste the ink and put in the HTML. Hopefully this can help:)

  2. Kia Ora Freedom your tuvalu presantation seems very interesting and I would love to see it. So maybe you could make it so everyone has accsess.
